
Oh my goodness. And I'm not just talking about the random creepy crying man/spider above.
No, I say "Oh my goodness" because I haven't seen you in a while little blogger screen. Haven't savored in the tasty sound of click, click, click as I type away for you.
Well, there's no excuse really. I just... Well, I just got really busy. There was a little bit of personal drama that resulted in some posts that I started, worked on, finished in some cases and then realized that they were not suitable for public consumption. My metaphors may not always be as opaque as I'd like them to be regarding my personal life, but full on bitch and moan fests about specific people lead to a land of self-indulgence I simply cannot venture into.
And then, as is often the case with perfectionistic tendencied people, I felt obliged to write something really good to make up for the distance, to justify the wait. But, the thing was, while I had a lot of "stuff" going on, I couldn't really think of anything interesting to say. When I get busy on the level that I was for the past month and a half, 90 hour work week busy, life becomes so much about the itty bitty boring details, get here at this time, print out this form, walk to this place, go to that store, that it doesn't seem fair to make others keep tabs on it.
Once that put it off momentum got rolling, it ran away with itself in a big big way. But, I've somehow managed to get over the hump. And while this post may not be depth extraordinare, it's a start back to a semi-regular one-sided correspondence again.
Forgive me readers. I know not what I do. Did. Won't do any more.
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