Saturday, April 16, 2005

No time

Yep. I just woke up a little while ago. I have had an insanely hard time adjusting to my performance schedule. Mosly this is because I used to get up around 6:30 or 7 when the sun rose through my window. It faces the east and so when le soleil comes up over the horizon I naturally just wake up with it. The problem is that now because of the play I don't get home until way late. And even then I'm totally keyed up and can't just come home and fall into bed.

My body is retaliating against me. I say to it, "Friend, we get to sleep in today. So let's do it! Sleep as late as you want. It's going to be awesome!" And still, 7am on the dot there's the sun and so is my consciousness. Grrr...

But this morning, I managed to actually sleep late. Except that I didn't really want to sleep late today because I had stuff to do. I had errands and grocery shopping to get done. I should have cleaned my room and mailed off forms that I needed to send away. I actually need to leave for the theatre in 5 minutes. And I can't find my shoes.

However, I didn't want to cop out on my post. So instead I'm meta posting. I'm writing about posting. Which is kind of silly.

But I wanted to leave you with something. So, you can read the insanely harsh review that the inquirer gave to my show. It's really mean, they super hated it:

Under most circumstances I wouldn't want people to read a review that totally trashes the show I'm in. Except in this case there is one glowing gem of a sentence in the middle:

Smythe's production ... is not trenchant commentary, and in the process leaches the lovers of all individuality and interest - even though the actors under the masks, especially Genevieve Perrier and Adrienne Mackey, seem quite capable of doing their roles justice.

Boo ya suckas, I am "quite capable" indeed!


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