Sunday, April 10, 2005

Bosom buddy

There are times in my life when I just want a snuggle buddy.

Let me explain: Meaningless sex, though frowned upon by some is an action undertaken to fufill a basic human desire. I think that most people, whether they choose to engage in such behavior or not, understand that there are times when one is lustful. That a person simply has a physical need to release sexual tension and that the need may be met by finding another person willing to engage in sexual activity.

But I think there is also an instinctual need to be touched, not groped or fondled, by others. To be held and stroked in a way that is gentle and not driven by sexual desire per se. A function of friendliness not friction.

Tonight, being warm and lovely outside makes me wish I had a someone with whom I could satiate this desire, even if it were divorced from all the extra fuzzy feeling that usually comes along with a person that one feels comfortable to snuggle with. I call upon you masses, from within ye, bring forth the snuggle buddy. I shall exalt him who whilt lie within my bed and enjoy the bounty of my cuddle.


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