Friday, July 08, 2005

My jeans are soaked

At this moment I'm waiting out the rain in the Walnut Street library. I have a meeting in exactly 96 minutes leaving me just enough time for it to be useless to go home and seriously annoying to sit without a book. My first instinct was to head to Barnes and Noble down the street, but I'm in the middle of 4 books and feel bad buying another one wholesale just because I didn't plan ahead well. So I came to the library instead.

I have to admit that while the idea of a library is a good one, I have a hard time reading books out of a library. I get very attached to books I read and end up enjoying, so much so that I like to have the book on my shelf to periodically look at and sigh, "Oh yes... That was a good one." So the idea that I would check out books I might potentially want to do this with is hard. Because if I do really like the book then I'm faced with feeling guilty for buying something I've already read and am just going to put on the shelf. But I can't check out and make myself read books I think I won't like, even I realize that's silly. My neuroses are strange, but not that strange.

So instead I'm using my last 24 minutes of reserved PC time to post here before getting on a plane to Chicago to visit the fam. So if you don't hear from me for a bit, it's because I'm off camping in Wisconsin with them.

Anyway, this is a fun game I like to play while here at the library: Checking the memory bank on internet pages. Seeing sites people have recently visted on public computers is highly amusing. So I'm sharing here some fun ones I found today.
Someone needed to find an ultimate uber list.
Someone else aparently had a hard time remembering that long complicated web address for hotmail.
And somebody needed some urgent info on ass.

There was at least one Russian speaker online here.

A person who is no cat newbie needed some advice on kittens scratching.

Some one needed to check the payout for the PA lottery on June 22.

A concerned citizen with a carpet had to compare vacumm prices.

An unsure writer needed to check the exact definition of the word alphabetical.

Forgetful Nellie forgot to provide a last name.

A person weighed in on the episode they felt Northern Exposure went bad.

And finally and angry ebay customer left some nasty feedback about a person leaving them in the lurch over a bass head.

It's not earth shattering. But interesting to me anyway. Over and out for now.


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