Wednesday, June 01, 2005

incubate a tiny fiddle

I've been "cleaning the house" today which means running into lots of stuff you forgot you had, looking it over, ultimately putting it back in the pile you found it in and generally accomplishing nothing. I managed to write a couple emails. Anyway, in the spirit of examination of one's surroundings I've decided to make the theme of today's post:

Grading My Fridge's Magnetic Poetry


He sanctifies her winter feet
I almost didn't include this one. But on second glance I realized this work is more than skin deep. First off, one has to realize the capitalization of the "He." Given that most magnetic poetry does not include such proper punctuation we have to ask whether we're talking about a general he or the proper, formal reference to He who reigns supreme. If He is sanctifying her, why only the feet? And if not relating to a higher being how exactly does a random mortal sanctify something? Is holy water involved? Perhaps the sanctifying is sort of like an incumbant spring mikvah for battered and bruised ped-related body parts. In any event, this one got me thinking. A-

let's cook the lazy puppy!!!
Grotesque for sure. I want the reader to be aware that the three exclamation points are included in the original work. And while there is a certain morbid yet gleeful charm about this one, these kinds of phrases are only one step above the "let's make a dirty phrase out of the words!" giggle giggle, tee hee, plane of compostition. It's the poetic equivalent of a one liner. Points for the minimal effort but this barely passes. C+

full and watery like honey sweat
Someone really thought that putting random magnets together on the icebox meant you created actual poetry. No you loser, you are not in fact interesting. No one will ever read that and go, "Hey, who came up with that great piece of creative writing? You have the next Anne Sexton on your hands there!" Jewel wannabes are the lowest of the low. F

I am Idle
I don't know why Idle is capitalized. I can't really find any other non-proper nouns that have this feature. It's also in a larger font so I'm thinking maybe that piece comes from a different set. But accidental or no, this compositional feature sets the word off from the rest of the sentence which causes one to ponder it. Makes one think about "Idle." What is this conept of idleness? What does it mean and how do you feel when in its state of being? Plus, I start to get that feeling you have when you stare at a word too long and it stops making sense. All I see is Id-le. Id lay. Like a Hawaiin necklace for one's Freudian inner self. Hmm, is that all that I am? What is it all for anyway?! Wow... Deep. A

bitter wench: drunk & moaning
Simple yet evocative. I think the image conjured speaks for itself. B

question wild sausages
This one really calls to the inner political activist in me. However, like many simplistic slogans it simply puts forth questions, derailing previously detailed systems and institutions without posing any possible solutions. For me it's not enough to be disatisfied with the current ruling sausage regime. You have to be willing to posit positive changes. C-

I cry for you ugly kid
If only we could all be so understanding. This work displays both the writer's deep awareness of the pain and heartache that the outwardly image obsessed world will thrust upon this sad and hideous youngster as well as their own tortured inability to totally separate their own social reactions from the mores of that oppressive worldview. Until we acknowledge and confront our own inner disgust we will never be able to conquer our biases towards the outwardly unfortunate. Thank you magnetic poet, wherever you are. A+


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